On approximately montly basis Chianti Kitchen sends out a newsletter to inform our community about the latest events at our cooking school in Tuscany, new recipes and interesting culinary tips.

If you would like to sign up, send an email to info@chiantikitchen.com with:
- your name
- city and country of residence
indicated in the body of the email.

Past newsletters:
Tanzania Trip - January 2010
US Tour Announced: Nov-Dec.2010

Valentines Menu
Easter Menu
Innauguration of New Cooking Kitchen
Musical Barbecue
Portes des Iris
Chianti Kitchen Cookbook
What makes Italian cooking Afrodisiac
Thanksgiving Menu 2009
Christmas Menu 2009

Chianti Kitchen, The Tuscan School of Cooking of Chef Seamus de Pentheny O'Kelly - Tuscany, Italy - info@chiantikitchen.com